Tag Archive for 'nemesis'

Philip Roth

febbraio 28th, 2009 by admin

In uscita due nuovi romanzi di Philip Roth.

The Humbling uscirà il prossimo autunno; racconta la storia di un anziano attore la cui vita viene cambiata da un sorprendente desiderio erotico.
Il secondo romanzo si chiamerà Nemesis ed è ambientato nell’estate del 1944, riguarda un’epidemia di poliomelite e dei suoi effetti sulla comunità di Newark. Nemesis uscirà nel 2010.

I due nuovi libri saranno il 30esimo e il 31esimo di Philip Roth. (New York Times)


Fifty years after Neil Klugman first held Brenda Patimkin’s glasses in Philip Roth’s first book, “Goodbye, Columbus,” Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has announced that it will release Mr. Roth’s 30th and 31st books, the publisher said in an e-mail message. “The Humbling,” which is scheduled for the fall, is a novel about an aging stage actor whose empty life is altered by “a counterplot of unusual erotic desire,” the publisher said. The company (which awarded its Houghton Mifflin Literary Fellowship to “Goodbye, Columbus” in 1959) will also release “Nemesis,” a work of fiction by Mr. Roth, above. Set in the summer of 1944, it tells of a polio epidemic and its effects on a closely knit Newark community and its children. That book is scheduled for publication in 2010.

February 26, 2009, on page C2 of the New York edition.