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26 marzo 2009



Non chiedetemi da dove viene … non lo ricordo più. Smile



Tant ma tant temp ago, ce stava 'na little Cappucciett Red. One matèn her mama dissed: "Dear Cappucciett, take this cest to the nonn, but worning to the lup that is very ma very catìv! And torn prest. Good luch and in boc at the lup!"
Cappucciett didn't capish very well this ultim thing. but went away, da sol, with the cest. Cammining, cammining in the cuor of the forèst, at a cert punt, she incontered the lup, who dissed: "Hi! piccula piezz'e girl. 'Ndov do you go?"
"To the nonn with this little cest, which is full of a sac of chocolate and biscots and panetons and more, more, mores and mirtills" she dissed.
"Ah! mannagg 'a maruschella (may be a statement com: this is my fortunate giorn!)" dissed the lup, with a fium of saliv out of the bocc.
And the lup aggiunged: "Well, now I dev to go, becaute the telefonin is squilling, sorry" and the lup went away, but not very away, only to the nonn's house.
Cappucciett, who was lent ma very lent (trop lent) continued for the sentier in the forest. The lup arrived at the house, suoned the campanel, entered and, after saluting the nonn, magned her in a boccon. Then, after sputing the dentier, he indossed the ridicol night berret and fikked himself in the let. When Cappucciett Red came to the fint nonn's house, suoned and entered, but when the little and a bit stupid girl saw the nonn (non was the nonnn, was the lup, record!) dissed: "Nonn, why do you stay in let?" And the nonn-lup: "Oh, I've stort my cavigl doing aerobics!"
"OH poor nonn!" said Cappucciett (she was more than a bit stupid, wasn't she?) Then she dissed: "What big occhis you have!"
"It's for to see you better, my dear (and stupid) little girl" dissed the nonn-lup.
Then Cappucciet who was more dur than a blok of marm, dissed: "What big oreks you have!"
"It is to ascolt you better".
"What big dents you have"
"It is to magn you better!" And the lup magned really tut quant the poor, little, red girl.
But, ta dah!, from dietr the house, a simpatic, curious and innocent cacciator of Frodo (may be a city near by) sented all and dissed: "Accident, a lup! Its pellicc vals a sak of solds!"
And so, spinted only by the compassion for the little girl, butted a terr the kils of fringuels and conigs that he had ammazed up to that moment, imbracced the fucil, entered in the stanz and killed the lup. Afterwards, he squarced his panz (being attent not to ruin the pellicc) and tired fora the nonn (stil viv) and Cappucciett (still dum).
So, the caccciator of Frodo vended the pellicc and guadagned (honestly) a sac of solds, the nonn magned all the leccornies in the cest. Cappuccied learned the lezion and everybody lived felix and content, may be not the lup.

26 marzo 2009



Rooooooooose!!! cos'è questa cosa mitica!

C'è un po' di tutto (come nel risotto di mia madre la domenica): inglese (maccheronico), lombardo e, se non vado errata, pure un po' di pugliese. SmileSmileSmile

26 marzo 2009




Troppo forte! un miscuglio linguistico da far morire!Laugh ecco un modo per ottenere un grande effetto umoristico.

Ne hai altri così, Rose? LaughLaughLaugh


27 marzo 2009



Cara Daniela, conosco una variante della storia …

Allora, siamo alla scena finale:

-Nonna, che occhi grandi che hai!

-Per vederti meglio, bambina mia.

-Nonna, che orecchie grandi che hai!

-Per sentirti meglio, bambina mia.

-Nonna che bocca grande che hai!

-A Capuccè, hai finito de criticà a'nonna?

27 marzo 2009




LaughLaughLaughLaughLaughAh, Rose! 


28 marzo 2009



trooppo carino!

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